Saturday, July 21, 2007

Weekend Video - iTulip Rocks Edition

Three videos from the iTulip website. I wanted to call this the 'Zombie Financial Media Edition', but there are only two videos of that theme. So I decided to name it the 'iTulip Rocks Edition'. Thank god we have them around to tell it like it is! Leading it off is a commercial with Gary Coleman pushing loans. I actually saw it on cable at the beginning of the week in full. I noticed the 99.25 percent and sat for a minute. Forty-two payments of $216.55 is $9095.10...for a $2600 loan. And then I saw it on iTulip which forced me to put it up here. It's a symbol of the fact that financial education is more important than ANY other. Gary Coleman: King of Shame.

Gary Coleman Pushing Loans for Cash Call:

Zombie Financial Media: Fair Taxation on Wall Street:

Zombie Financial Media: Reporting on Subprime Fiasco

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